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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Marinated Green Beans

Today the Hunky Hubster (hereinafter referred to as HH)and I had to make a painful visit to the DMV(is any visit there ever anything LESS than painful?). Well there is a bright spot to this less-than-joyous trip and that is that there is a fruit stand on the way back!! Hallelujah! So I made my poor, tired, worn-out HH stop on the way home so I could pick up a fresh veggie for tonight's dinner. I wandered through the small, tight aisles looking for the perfect vegetable to complement the grilled tri-tip we were having. I saw small, too-firm avocados; beautiful, misshapen turnips; fragrant herbs, and some truly luscious fruit. I spied the long, slender, firm green beans and I was sold! I picked up a couple pounds of those beauties and away we went. I arrived home with my precious bundle and immediately searched the Internet to find the perfect recipe, preferable one using ingredients I already had on hand, as the HH made a beeline for the bedroom as soon as we got home. I was lucky I wasn't caught in the vapor trail! After a few keystrokes into the Great Google Machine, this is the recipe I found: Marinated Green Beans

The recipe requires you to chill it at least 3 hours before serving and I didn't do this as I didn't have the time, but I did chill the green beans in an ice water bath for quite a while). Enjoy!
P.S. I completely spaced out taking a photo - SORRY!!

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